About Us
Start from small but aim big.
About Us
from 2022
Since 2022, Aaron Z Digital (ACN: 661 263 690) began as a solo venture by a dedicated developer who crafted a CRM system for a friend’s business during evenings and weekends. From these humble beginnings, we have rapidly expanded into a thriving multi-national enterprise, now boasting a diverse team of over 20 professionals from various countries and cultural backgrounds.
Our reputation quickly grew from our initial project, leading to more opportunities. Initially focused on developing basic systems and websites, we soon specialized in creating websites for small businesses, predominantly using WordPress. Today, WordPress remains our top content management system.
In response to our clients’ evolving needs, we have also ventured into the digital marketing industry. We aim to enhance our clients’ brand reputation and generate leads by registering and managing their businesses on popular social media platforms. This comprehensive approach has enabled our clients to significantly boost their reputation and attract more leads.
Moreover, we have embraced the advancements in artificial intelligence, integrating AI solutions into our service offerings and securing initial funding for our AI products. This allows us to provide cutting-edge technologies and smarter, data-driven strategies to our clients.
From our roots in building basic systems and websites, we have now progressed to developing large-scale enterprise systems, complex websites, comprehensive digital marketing strategies, and innovative AI solutions. Aaron Z Digital continues to grow rapidly, committed to delivering exceptional solutions for our clients.

Our Mission
Help our clients to grow their businesses.
Our Vision
Not just a web agency. A solution provider!
Our Clients
We aim to help more businesses to thrive.